Terms and conditions of participation:

This prize draw is operated and organised by VIP Response, represented by the Managing Director Daniel Franklin, Parijsboulevard 143C, 3541 CS, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Chamber of Commerce number 57547238, registered with the Local Chamber of Commerce, Utrecht), hereinafter also abbreviated "Dailymailz."

1. Overall terms and conditions of our offering

Conducting the prize draw would not be possible without the support of its sponsors.

By giving your consent, you agree to receive advertising for the benefit of the organiser and its prize competition sponsors. Your consent is obtained in exchange for entering the draw, including and in particular, by enabling email and telephone advertising.

Online participation is not possible without granting consent to receive advertising. Those who do not wish to grant their consent to receive advertising can, however, participate via postcard.

2. Eligible participants

2.1 Participants of the AU prize draws must be AU residents aged 18 or over and must be located in Australia at the time of their participation to be eligible. Employees, authorised representatives, and agents of Dailymailz, the sponsors, and the companies affiliated with them, along with their respective family and household members, are not eligible to participate, nor are any individuals who are disqualified or excluded and/or blocked from participation to the competition pursuant to Sec. 6 of this terms and conditions of participation.

2.2 Participation is only permitted and valid if the participant provides their own first name and surname. Participation via aliases or through any other name is not allowed.

3. Participation

3.1 Participation via the Internet takes place through corresponding online registration. In the process, consent to receive advertising must also be granted for the benefit of Dailymailz and the prize draw sponsors. Details are as shown in the specific consent to receive advertising. In the event of an online registration, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the address provided by the participant. A confirmation link is included in this e-mail. Participation is not complete unless and until the participant clicks on this confirmation link, thereby concluding the double opt-in process.

3.2 Participants can also participate in the prize draw without granting consent to receive advertisement by sending a postcard to the address of Dailymailz, Parijsboulevard 143C, 3541 CS, Utrecht, The Netherlands. The term "Gewinnspiel" (sweepstake, competition, prize draw) must be stated on the back of the postcard, along with the participants address and the corresponding URL in which the relevant prize draw is/was held. To become a valid candidate, the participant must state his/her full name, address, e-mail address, and phone number to be notified in the event that he/she wins a prize.

3.3 Participation is only possible until the stated deadline for entries. Every participation must be completed by the deadline. In the case of participation via postcard, participation is also considered to be on time if the postcard was sent until the entry deadline and is received by Dailymailz within three working days after the entry deadline.

3.4 Participation is not dependent in any way on the purchase of goods, use of paid services, and/or payment of connection charges and/or user fees for Dailymailz, its sponsors, or other companies involved with the prize draw. Completing a survey or taking part in displayed offers has no influence on the chances of winning.

3.5 If, in the case of an online registration, a participant has granted his/her consent to receive advertising -which is a requirement for participation- and subsequently revokes such consent, the participants’ chances of winning remain unchanged. This means, revoking of consent does not affect the eligibility of participation.

4. Determination of prize winners and special conditions

4.1. The prizes shown on the website will be raffled out among all eligible participants within four weeks after the deadline to enter.

4.2. If the prize is a voucher, it is possibly composed of multiple vouchers equaling the sum of the aforementioned voucher.

4.3. Prizes of EUR 250.000,00 or more will be distributed only if 250.000 participants were validated. Validated participants are participants who filled in their correct personal data, verified themselves and are at least 18 years old.

5. Notification of winners; sending of prizes

5.1 Winners will be notified by mail, phone, and e-mail.

5.2 Prizes will be sent to the winner by the organiser at the latter’s own expense.

5.3 Cash prizes will be paid out by cheque. The cheque will be sent to the winner.

6. Forfeiture of the claim to a prize

6.1 In the event of an unsuccessful notification, the claim to the prize will be forfeited. A notification that a person has won a prize is considered to be unsuccessful if:

a) the letter announcing that the person has won, which is sent by registered mail, proves to be undeliverable or the winner does not respond within a time limit of 14 days after delivery by contacting the organiser by phone, e-mail, or mail (with the operative date being the date of receipt by the organiser); and

b) the winner does not pick up the phone on two attempts to notify him/her by phone that he/she has won a prize; and

c) an e-mail notifying the person that he/she has won proves to be undeliverable or the winner does not respond within a time limit of 14 days after delivery by contacting the organiser by phone, e-mail, or mail (with the operative date being the date of receipt by the organiser).

6.2 Once the claim to a prize is forfeited, the draw will be repeated.

7. Transferability and taxes

Claims to prizes are not transferable. The winner bears sole responsibility for paying any taxes that may apply.

8. Rules of conduct; disqualification and blocking

8.1 Dailymailz has the right to disqualify participants and exclude them from the prize draw if they manipulate or attempt to manipulate the participation process, the game, and/or the "Dailymailz" pages and/or violate the rules of the game and/or otherwise attempt, in an unfair and/or dishonest manner, to influence the prize draw or the handling thereof, particularly by disrupting the software used or threatening or harassing employees of Dailymailz, sponsors, or other participants.

8.2 Furthermore, Dailymailz may also exclude participants from participating in its freely exercised discretion in advance, especially if there is a risk of a violation of the rules of conduct.

9. Possibilities of termination/modification

Dailymailz reserves the right to discontinue or terminate the prize draw at any time, without prior notice, for objective reasons. This applies in particular if for any reason the prize draw cannot be conducted in an orderly fashion, for example in the event that computers are infected with viruses, in case of software and/or hardware errors, and/or for other technical and/or legal reasons that affect the administration, security, integrity, and/or normal and proper conduct of the prize draw. In such cases, Dailymailz also has the right to modify the prize draw in its freely exercised discretion.

10. Right to object and right to revoke; consequences

The participant is permitted to object to the processing of his/her data for advertising purposes and/or to revoke consent, if any, that has been granted for this purpose, without being required to state any reasons. Processing of data for advertising purposes and/or the use of the participants’ data to this end will then be halted without delay. The organiser will also notify its sponsors of any such objection and/or revocation without any undue delay.

11. Data protection and privacy

Please see the separate data protection and privacy statement.

12. Severability Clause

If one or several provisions of this Agreement should be or become legally void, this shall not impair the validity of the other provisions. The invalid provision will be replaced as quickly as possible with another provision most closely approximating the economic intent and content of the invalid provision.

13. Links from the Website

If the Website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. Dailymailz has no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and accepts no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

14. Applicable law

The compulsory legislation of the country of residence usually applies. In addition, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be granted.

Current as of: August 2019